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18 ⏐ Mindfulness Breaks Whatwe know about Whybreak猀਀ Wha琀਀ breaks and focus matter we cando There is a symbiotic relationship The absence of rest in our Incorporate both focusing and time between breaks and focus. Whereas overstimulated daily experience for mindfulness into the cracks of our our goal is to improve focus and precludes any possibility of improving day with Focusable. attention to our current experience one’s ability to focus. Furthermore, if through improved self-awareness and we ignore the physical bodies need to mindfulness, a well -timed break is rest our stress levels can increase required to sustain the quality of and our cognitive performance can focus we all are pursuing. falter.

Focusable | Immersive Experience - Page 18 Focusable | Immersive Experience Page 17 Page 19