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21 ⏐ Developing a Daily Routine ApproachesforMakingMentalFitnes猀਀ aRoutineExperience Integrating new experiences into a classroom schedule can be challenging. These four approaches look to ease the burden of adopting a new experience and find moments where rest and focus work with Focusable fit into existing structures. Natura氀਀ Mornin最਀ Preⴀ਀ End of Day ☀਀ 2 3 4 1 Transitions Meeting Assessment Heading Home When students are transitioning In elementary classrooms, Students can benefit from a Giving the brain time to recharge from recess or lunch back into educators can incorporate whole moment of recharging prior to a at the end of the day or lesson the classroom, educators can group take mindful breaks and classroom assessment. Have helps students make sense of dedicate time to recharging and focus practice directly into their individual students complete a what they learned and charging with a Focusable pre-schedule搀਀ Focusable progression to experience. Consider an progression. morning meetings. regulate emotion and create Individual or whole class calmness in their body and mind. progression to wrap up the day.

Focusable | Immersive Experience - Page 21 Focusable | Immersive Experience Page 20 Page 22