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26 ⏐ The Focusable Experience The Focusabl攀਀ Experience With Focusable What we know How to act Consistent practice is the key to We know that recharging and We know the benefits of daily breaks improved focus. Like physical fitness, charging are key factors in helping and focus, but simply getting started enhanced mental fitness and focus is educators and students regulate and persisting with a daily routine is a distilled down to adopting a daily emotions, improve academic challenge. Focusable builds in the routine. Focusable facilitates this performance, and improve their scaffolds necessary to help process by providing accountability capacity to practice mindfulness. Yet individuals and groups build the through timed or group experiences, we also know there are challenges to resilience to embrace daily mindful motivation through streaks and building the capacity and daily activities and ultimately improve their achievements and clear metrics on routines necessary to improve focus. focus. Begin with a short 2 minute consistency and how students spend Focusable can help progression in Focusable. their time.

Focusable | Research Guide for Education - Page 26 Focusable | Research Guide for Education Page 25